Together for a Sustainable Future
New Packaging and Packaging Waste Rules in the EU
[Thursday, 11th Jan 2024]
New Packaging and Packaging Waste Rules in the EU
Eléonore Mullier / Ruxandra Cana

The European Union has just reached a deal on the revision of its rules on Packaging and Packaging Waste. The new EU Regulation will be directly applicable in all EU Member States, and applies to all packaging and packaging waste regardless of the material used.

In this webinar, we will update you on this important and politically sensitive legislative process. We will also unpack the main requirements under the new rules, highlighting the impact of these changes on supply chains and operators.


  • The presentation slides and recording video will be uploaded to this webpage after the webinar.


▪ Status of the proposal

▪ Legal basis and form

▪ Scope and definitions

▪ Sustainability requirements

▪ Substances in packaging

▪ Recyclability

▪ Recycled content

▪ Compostable packaging

▪ Reuse

▪ Sector-specific targets

▪ Labelling requirements

▪ Obligations for operators


▪ Takeaways

Eléonore Mullier
Partner – Chemicals, Sustainability and Environmen, Steptoe LLP
Eléonore Mullier, a partner in Steptoe LLP, specializes in EU regulatory law and litigation. Her knowledge extends to the entire life-cycle of materials: from chemicals legislation (biocides, REACH, classification and labelling, plant protection products, POPs, etc.) to product legislation and waste legislation (CE marking, RoHS/WEEE, Ecodesign, medical devices, single use plastics, waste and end-of-waste). She also advises clients on the interface between these regulations and on cross-sectoral issues including the European Green Deal initiatives such as the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, the Sustainable Products Initiative and the corporate sustainability initiatives.
Ruxandra Cana
Partner – Chemicals, Sustainability and Environmen, Steptoe LLP
Ruxandra Cana, a partner in Steptoe LLP, leads Steptoe‘s EU chemicals and life sciences team and is a co-chair of Steptoe’s ESG core team. She focuses on EU regulatory law and litigation with a strong emphasis on chemicals and product regulations, REACH in particular. She litigated over twenty cases before the Court of Justice of the EU and over forty cases before the European Chemicals Agency's Board of Appeal (BoA). She is recognized as a "leading expert in EU chemicals regulation” and “leading individual” by Chambers Europe.
If you have any question about this webinar, please contact us:
+86 (0)571 8710 3829