Together for a Sustainable Future

Minnesota Introduces Comprehensive Ban on PFAS and Regulates Heavy Metals in Cosmetics

by Winnie Xu Jun 29, 2023
Commencing August 1, 2023, Minnesota, a state in the United States, will enforce strict controls on the presence of lead and cadmium in cosmetics. Additionally, starting January 1, 2025, the intentional use of Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) will be banned in cosmetics sold within the state.

On May 24, 2023, the governor of Minnesota signed H.F.No. 2310 bill, which covers environment, natural resources, climate and energy finance and policy. The bill includes a comprehensive ban on PFAS, as well as restrictions on lead and cadmium in certain consumer products.

Winnie Xu
ChemLinked Regulatory Analyst
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