On December 22, 2023, India’s Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) released a notice to urge Producers, Manufacturers, Recyclers and Refurbishers of e-waste to register on the online EPR E-waste Portal.
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEFCC) has issued E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 dated November 2, 2022. The rules took effect from April 1, 2023, and have superseded E-Waste(M) Rules 2016 (See more). Rule 4 of the said Rules stipulates that Manufacturer, Producer, Refurbisher and Recycler shall register on the portal.
In compliance to the Rules, CPCB officially announced an online portal for the management of E-waste has been developed and is available here. The procedural details are also provided at the portal.
With regard to registration on the portal, CPCB clarifies the exemption criteria for Producer as follows:
Import of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) (including their components, consumables, parts and spare) not listed in the Schedule-I of E-Waste (M) Rules, 2022; or
Import of EEE listed in the Schedule-I of E-Waste (M) Rules, 2022 for the purpose of:
For the second situation mentioned above, importers shall submit the following documents to Customs/Port Authorities:
Copy of agreements with Registered Producers;
Copy of EPR Registration Certificate of the Producers;
Letter from Registered Producers that importer is importing on behalf of the said Registered Producer;
Self declaration that imported EEE items shall be sold to Registered Producers only and shall not be sold to any individual/consumer/bulk consumer;
A proof that copy of the above document has been sent to CPCB.
If the consumers or bulk consumers import EEE for self or captive use as mentioned above, a self declaration shall be submitted to Customs/Port Authorities stating that imported EEE items are intended only for self or captive use and not for sale. A proof that copy of the self declaration to CPCB shall also be provided.
Here is the format for self declaration: